
Showing posts from April, 2022

"Real" Spinach & Arugula - Aero Garden

"Real" Spinach & Arugula Part 2 - The Grow New Problems Root Sensitivity I knew spinach, arugula and the like don't transplant well and are recommended started in the ground, but regardless of technique, all plants experienced some stress and shock on moving to the aero  I ended up using two site for starting seeds right in the aero and two sites for mature plants. The plants grow so vigorously there wasn't room for four full grown plants anyhow Poor Choices? Rocky (Diplotaxis tenuifolia)  Has turned out to be sloooooooooooooooooooow growing. In picture below, the tiny plant closest is Rocky, which was started at the same time as the spinach (back) and Astros (left and right) Spinach and arugula preferences Arugula wants lots more ammonium than spinach, and making one happy caused the other issues Bad sensors I had a SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout - CCS811/BME280 sensor that came with the Qwiic kit, but as other note, the CO2 sensor heater throws off the h